Finding the proper physical exercise for Dementia patients requires a deep understanding of their unique backgrounds and preferences. It involves understanding their past lifestyle, work history, hobbies, social interests, and significant life events.
Essential Tips for Finding the Right Physical Exercise for Dementia Patients
Avoid Overstimulation
When planning activities, it’s essential to be mindful of not overstimulating individuals with dementia. Opt for selective outings, steering clear of crowded places, constant movement, and excessive noise. These factors can be overwhelming for many people living with dementia.
Create an Activities Care Plan
Consider documenting an activities care plan for a more coordinated and consistent approach to care. This plan ensures that activities align with the individual’s needs. It also offers a consistent, personalized, and supportive environment for dementia patients.
Follow Recommended Health Guidelines
The amount of exercise needed depends on the person. However, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends 150 weekly minutes of moderate physical activity. You can split it into 30 minutes of daily activity per week. You may also schedule shorter sessions throughout the day, lasting at least 10 minutes. Examples are a 15-minute walk to the grocery store in the morning and watering the garden in the afternoon.
Prepare a Clutter-free and Safe Exercise Area
Individuals facing dementia encounter challenges related to visual perception and coordination. To provide a supportive environment, maintain uncluttered surfaces with minimal distractions and reduced noise levels. Optimize lighting to avoid glare, consider seating preferences, and ensure that work heights are appropriately adjusted. Using plastic containers can be beneficial in preventing breakages and promoting safety within the living space. These thoughtful adjustments contribute to a more accessible and comfortable setting for individuals navigating the complexities of dementia.
Get Medical Advice for Safety
Please consult with the individual’s physician and physiotherapist to determine suitable exercises that align with their condition. When engaging in outdoor activities, ensure the person has an identification card or bracelet in case they get lost.
Additionally, the person should drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. If the person complains of dizziness or pain, stop the activity immediately and inform their doctor.
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